Welcome to SearchLight Properties! Thank you for trusting us to serve you! We hope you enjoy your stay. We take pride in maintaining the properties we manage and we’re so grateful for the amazing Residents that we have who take such good care of the units under our management.
We encourage you to take advantage of all the tools and resources we have available to you through your online tenant portal. If you haven’t activated your tenant portal, you can activate your personal
Resident Portal
here. You can also always call the office at (805) 938-5309 or email us at
info@searchLightproperties.com. We’ll send you a link to activate your account.
Your online portal is very convenient and easy to use. It allows us to stay in communication with you and provide you with updates and news briefs. It also allows you to make online payments. You’ll be able to see your tenant ledger and account balance. You can even submit maintenance requests online!
Utilizing your online portal will keep us all connected within the privacy of your home. You can take care of essentially all of your rental needs electronically through this helpful resource.
SearchLight Properties is your one-stop shop for real estate services. We’re a full-service real estate brokerage and we’ve been providing real estate sales and professional property management for
over 10 years. When you’re ready to jump into home ownership, our team can help you with that too!
Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help!
Thanks again for trusting SearchLight Properties with your new digs!